Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Global Wealth Report 2019

Context: The Credit Suisse Group, a Switzerland-based multinational investment bank, has released the 10th edition of its annual Global Wealth Report.

Key findings:
  1. China has overtaken the United States this year to become “the country with most people in the top 10% of global wealth distribution”.
  2. Bottom half of wealth holders collectively accounted for less than 1% of total global wealth in mid-2019, while the richest 10% own 82% of global wealth and the top 1% alone own 45%.

India specific findings:
  1. India remains one of the fastest wealth creators in the world, with household wealth in dollar terms growing faster than any other region.
  1. Wealth per Indian adult is at $14,569 ( ₹10.31 lakh as on 21 October). However, the average number is skewed heavily by a few wealthy individuals.
  1. India accounts for 2% of the world’s millionaires.

What are the drivers of the wealth of nations?
  • Overall size of the population:  A country with a huge population
    • reduces the wealth per adult. 
    • creates more opportunities for economic growth and wealth creation.
  • Country’s saving behaviour: A higher savings rate translates into higher wealth.
  • General level of economic activity as represented by aggregate income, aggregate consumption or GDP:

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