Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH)

WIN?- It has been predicted that this vital HKH region will suffer a loss of 33% of total ice volume in the by the end of the century, leading to dire consequences for people living there due to Global Warming

  • It is often referred to as the ‘3rd Pole’ of the earth, is the source of 10 large Asian river systems
  • HKH region is one of the greatest mountain systems in the world, encompassing an area of over 4.3 million km2.
  • Outside of the North and South Poles, the region contains the largest area of permanent ice cover in the world, which is why it is sometimes referred to as the ‘Third Pole’ of the earth.
  • Its terrain encompasses the source of 10 major river systems, 4 global biodiversity spots, 330 important bird areas, and hundreds of mountain peaks
  • Everest, K2, Dhaulagiri, Annapurna are some of the highest peaks in the Hindu Kush region.

  • The 10 large Asian river systems that it includes are –
    • Amu Darya,
    • Indus,
    • Ganges,
    • Brahmaputra (Yarlungtsanpo),
    • Irrawaddy,
    • Salween (Nu),
    • Mekong (Lancang),
    • Yangtse (Jinsha),
    • Yellow River (Huanghe),
    • Tarim (Dayan)

Context: India Meteorological Department (IMD) will collaborate with meteorological agencies in China and Pakistan, among others, to provide climate forecast services to countries in the region - To better gauge the impact of climate change on the Hindu Kush mountains.

The threats and challenges faced by the biodiversity in the Hindu Kush region are:
  • Biodiversity is in steep decline driven by human development, pollution, overexploitation of resources and climate change.
  • Along with species loss this will mean the loss of the key environmental services the region provides such as water and carbon storage – to the rest of Asia.
  • Human impact has led to a loss of wildlife populations, plant productivity, changes in growing seasons and plants and entire ecosystems shifting to higher altitudes.
  • New infrastructure development planned for the fragile region:
    1. Hydropower is a big threat, with over 550 large projects in existence or under construction.
    1. New trade routes under China’s Belt and Road initiative.
  • About 40% of the HKH region is designated as protected areas, but actual implementation of conservation measures is patchy.

Facts for Prelims:
The Third Pole Environment (TPE): TPE, an international research program, was launched in 2009 and focuses on the Tibetan Plateau and surrounding mountain ranges.

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