Wednesday, October 30, 2019

UNEP Colombo Declaration

    Context: UNEP member states recently adopted the “Colombo Declaration” which calls for tackling global nitrogen challenge.

    Highlights of the declaration:
    1. The Colombo Declaration has been developed with the technical support of the International Nitrogen Management System (INMS), a joint activity of the UNEP and the International Nitrogen Initiative supported by the GEF.
    2. The aim is to halve nitrogen waste by 2030.
    3. A campaign on sustainable nitrogen management called “Nitrogen for Life” is to be launched. It stems from the Sustainable Nitrogen Management Resolution which was adopted during the fourth session of the UN Environment Assembly held from 11 – 15 March 2019 at the UNEP headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya. 
    4. The Declaration calls upon UN agencies, other international organizations, development partners, philanthropic agencies, academic and civil society organizations to support its implementation.
    5. It also urges countries to conduct a comprehensive assessment on nitrogen cycling covering policy, implementation, regulation, and scientific aspects at a national level plus sensitize the citizens to understand the natural nitrogen cycle and how human impacts alter its balance.

    What necessitated this?
    Nitrogen overuse has negative impacts on the planet, biodiversity and is a contributor to the climate crisis.
    How Nitrogen turned into pollutant from nutrient how it is affecting health and environment?
    1. Nitrogen is an inert gas that’s necessary for life.
    1. Nitrogen compounds running off farmland have led to water pollution problems around the world, while nitrogen emissions from industry, agriculture and vehicles make a big contribution to air pollution.
    2. Over 80% of the nitrogen in soil is not utilised by humans. .
    3. Nitrogen becomes a pollutant when it escapes into the environment and reacts with other organic compounds. 
    1. According to the WHOnitrate-contaminated drinking water can cause reduced blood function, cancer and endemic goiters. 
    2. Surplus inputs of nitrogen compounds have been found to cause soil acidification. The lowering pH, as a result of the acidification, can lead to nutrient disorders and increased toxicity in plants. It may also affect natural soil decomposition.

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